Salary Calculator
Convert between different salary frequencies instantly
Common Salary Conversions
Hourly Rate | Weekly (40h) | Monthly | Annual |
$15.00 | $600 | $2,600 | $31,200 |
$20.00 | $800 | $3,467 | $41,600 |
$25.00 | $1,000 | $4,333 | $52,000 |
$30.00 | $1,200 | $5,200 | $62,400 |
$35.00 | $1,400 | $6,067 | $72,800 |
$40.00 | $1,600 | $6,933 | $83,200 |
$45.00 | $1,800 | $7,800 | $93,600 |
$50.00 | $2,000 | $8,667 | $104,000 |
Understanding Salary Calculations and Conversions
Converting between different salary frequencies is essential for understanding job offers, budgeting, and financial planning. Whether you're comparing job opportunities or planning your financial future, knowing how to convert between hourly, weekly, monthly, and annual salaries is crucial.
How Salary Conversions Work
The standard formula for converting hourly wages to annual salary assumes:
- 40 hours per week (standard full-time employment)
- 52 weeks per year
- 2,080 total working hours per year (40 × 52)
Important Considerations
When calculating your actual earnings, remember to account for:
- Paid time off and holidays
- Overtime rates (typically 1.5× regular pay)
- Part-time vs. full-time hours
- Benefits package value
- Tax implications
Using the Salary Calculator
Our salary calculator helps you:
- Convert between different pay frequencies
- Account for holidays and vacation time
- Calculate adjusted rates based on actual working days
- Compare different job offers
- Plan your budget with accurate income figures
Whether you're a job seeker, employee, or employer, understanding salary conversions helps you make informed decisions about compensation. Use this calculator to quickly convert between different pay frequencies and get a clear picture of your earning potential.